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Prince Albert Multicultural Council – A Long History Of Working With Canadians and Immigrants

Nov 5, 2010 | 6:13 PM

Prince Albert Multicultural Council

PAMC was established in 1963 in Prince Albert to give  a sense of belonging to the refugees and immigrants in the city and surrounding area.

The PAMC is a community based organisation which is non-political and non-profit.


  • To act as a consultative body in areas relating to multiculturalism  and immigration ;
  • To promote cultural activities of all kinds;
  • To further better understanding and appreciation among of the cultural , lingual, and racial groups – aspects that comprise the people of Canada;
  • To work towards the elimination of racism;
  • To administer the English as an additional  program;
  • To inter act with other organisations with similar objectives.


            The PAMC has been serving   refugees and immigrants for the last 35 years by assisting

Newcomers to comfortably adapt into Canadian society.


  • Non-therapeutic advice and support to any newcomer encountering difficulty  with adjusting  to
  • Canadian life
  • Providing information, orientation and guidance to newcomers in coping with every day living i.e housing, transportation,  access to social services, education services ,other essential resource and an introduction to Canada and Prince Albert in particular .
  • Regular home visits to ensure that newcomers are comfortable and to provide additional teachings of English in the home atmosphere.


The PAMC served multi-programs for the last 35 years dedicated to the immigrants and refugees 

Organising cultural events, racism elimination programs, Canada Day, Citizenship Ceremonies, Flag Day, March 21st – The International Day for the Elimination of Discrimination, Tapestarama , Christmas at City Hall, multicultural education in schools ,integration facilitation.

The PAMC welcomes the participation of every interested or willing person who wants to assist the adaptation and Integration of refugees and immigrants to Canadian society and combat racial discrimination .

The PAMC assists individuals to get relevant documents to travel outside Canada, counselling and

checking what kinds of  documents are  needed.

 The PAMC is administered by long serving MARGE Nainaar qualified executive director.

We are open from Monday to Friday  8:30a.m. to 4:30 p.m.