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Common Ground Pilot Project Brings Together First Nations and Newcomers

Sep 14, 2015 | 9:03 AM

Common Ground Project is a pilot program partnership between the Aboriginal Friendship Centres of Saskatchewan, the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Association of Immigrant Settlement and Integration Agencies to create cultural understanding and positive connections between First Nations and Newcomers.

To accomplish this, Common Ground will be creating two series of programs.

The first series is to create discussion groups between Common Ground and applicable agencies/ services in Prince Albert. These discussion groups are information gathering and sharing session to look to the future of creating these positive bonds beyond the six month mandate of this original pilot project.

The second series is to create programming between First Nations and Newcomer groups. These programs are currently in the planning stages but will be fun-filled activities to bring together the two groups by doing things all humans love to do.

“My goal as the coordinator of this pilot is to consider the humaness of each other; to focus on the things we have in common first to build trust and friendships and then progress to show each other how each group expresseses these human qualities through cultural and fun activities. There will be significant focus on the arts and activities where people can work together and simultaneously learn about each other,” says Karen Cay, Common Ground Project Coordinator.

For more information on Common Ground Project or if any group is interested in participating, contact Karen Cay at 864-7122.