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Local doctor facing unprofessional conduct charges; allegations of sex with patients

Dec 3, 2017 | 2:30 PM

A Prince Albert physician is facing eleven charges of unprofessional conduct by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CPSS), after he allegedly had sex with a number of patients and committed ethical breaches.

Dr. Josias Furstenberg, who according to his website practises “holistic healing through Functional Medicine”, had the charges brought against him on Nov. 24.

The charges have not been admitted to and a hearing date before the discipline committee is currently pending. This is the first time charges have been brought against the doctor.

Among the charges, five relate to sexual incidents with patients. The others concern ethical and privacy breaches, such as passing on or accessing patient information and photos without their consent.

In one case, Furstenberg allegedly attempted to kiss a patient who was a tenant in one of his rental property’s when she attended his home to pay rent.

In another, the college alleges Furstenberg prescribed large quantities of opioids over a long period of time to one patient who he was having sex with, adding he failed to take appropriate steps to deal with the patient’s drug dependency.

The CPSS also claim, in January 2016, Furstenberg, while exchanging messages with one patient, disclosed the personal health information of another patient whom he had a “patient encounter” with and commented “that she was a total bitch” and “drug seeking again.”

According to the college’s website, a physician who denies some or all of the allegations is entitled to a hearing before the discipline committee to determine if the allegations in the charge are established by the evidence at the hearing.

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