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Ed. minister wants feedback on how Sask. schools are governed

Dec 22, 2016 | 6:08 AM

The province wants parents and teachers to think and give feedback on how Saskatchewan’s schools are run.

A six-member panel was formed to consult the public on a study released Wednesday, Dec. 21, which considers three options for the future of Sask. education.

Called the ‘Dan Perrins’ K-12 governance options report,’ is puts forth merging the province’s 18 existing public boards of education, establishing four regional public boards to represent specific areas or create new boundaries. 

Don Morgan, the Minister of Education for Sask., said there are two issues with the proposals.

“One is the issue of finances and looking for efficiencies and dollar savings,” he said. “The other is looking for the best possible method to ensure good educational outcomes for our students.”

He declined to comment on specific options and said he’d rather leave discussions up to the panel.

Ultimately, he said the end result could mean fewer boards and different methods to select trustees, or no change at all. 

Residents will be able to submit their thoughts on the study and the future of education in the province through a submission form, available online until Jan. 23.

The findings of the panel will be presented in February.

On Twitter: @ChrisCarr15