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Arthur Pechey students ticketed for good deeds

Dec 10, 2015 | 4:19 PM

Students at Arthur Pechey School in Prince Albert had an eventful morning on Thursday.

First, the students enjoyed an anti-bullying presentation by three members of the Prince Albert Raiders. Then, they received a special visit from the Prince Albert Police Service.

Police Chief Troy Cooper and Sgt. Brandon Mudry stopped by the school to hand out tickets to some special students. Certain students, including the entire Grade 5 class, were selected to receive a ‘Positive Ticket’ from the officers for their peacekeeping efforts.

Vice Principal Dejan Letkeman said the positive ticketing initiative performed by the Prince Albert Police Service is a great program. It helps them to highlight the students who go over and above at their school.

“Our Grade 5 class, they are our peace keepers, they wear a uniform on the playground every recess and their job is to essentially keep peace on the playground and help kids resolve conflict if one arises,” said Letkeman. “Typically, when we think of the police we think of tickets, like speeding and traffic tickets, but in this case it’s not punitive.

“They are calling it positive because what they are doing is they are recognizing good citizens in our school community who, in their own initiative, seek to help others and are positive within the hallways and the classroom and the playground.”

Sgt. Brandon Mudry said the positive ticketing initiative turns ticketing, which is normally negative, into something positive. He said the Grade 5 students peacekeeping initiative is the perfect reason to hand out a positive ticket.

“Kids volunteer their time, they take some training, they make sure the playgrounds are safe for the younger kids, which is exactly what the positive ticketing is all about,” he said.

During his presentation to the students, Prince Albert Police Chief Troy Cooper commented on how important the Grade 5 student’s peacekeeping initiatives really is.

“I want to congratulate the students here at Arthur Pechey today for all your efforts,” said Cooper. “Your peacekeeping program is important to us because it models the behaviour that we like to see.”

This is the second year the Prince Albert Police Service has enforced the positive ticketing initiative where tickets are written up and handed out to individuals who have performed various good deeds. 

On Thursday, the Grade 5 students, plus six other students from various other classrooms who were also chosen for their positive contributions, received an official ticket from police as well as movie tickets or tickets to a Raider game.

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