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VIDEO SERIES: 5 Minutes with… Liberal Party’s Gordon Kirkby

Sep 3, 2015 | 5:49 PM

Recently, paNOW reporter Alex Soloducha had a chance to sit down and get to know the federal election candidates running in the Prince Albert riding a little better.

Here is the third video, 5 Minutes with Liberal Party’s Gordon Kirkby.



Q: What’s your favourite part about living in Prince Albert?

A: First, I really enjoy the people, and secondly, we’re right close to the wilderness.


Q: Is it ever weird seeing your face on a sign?

A: I don’t pay much attention to it actually.


Q: What’s one thing you think people should know about you?

A: What I think people should and probably do know is that I take my obligations as a representative very seriously. I work hard for everybody that asks for my assistance. I will tackle the problems that most politicians are afraid to tackle. We have a lot of very serious problems in this area, in this riding, and I realize that many of them appear to be intractable and a lot of them appear to take a long time, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t stop working on them, and I will.


Q: In your opinion, what’s the most important topic this campaign?

A: There are a number of important topics. First of all, the economy is in shambles. We’ve had two recessions and very flat economic growth the rest of the time. It’s the worst economy in over 50 years. Within this riding we have record levels of criminal activity. For instance, we’ve had five or six murders this year alone. That is just outrageous. We need somebody in there that understands the intricate intricacies of the causes of what’s going on and somebody that’s willing to fix it.


Q: When and why did you get into politics?

A: I got into politics at around the age of 27-years-old. The reason I got into politics is because I truly believe that I have the skills and the gifts necessary to take important problems of the day and help move them towards solution.


Q: What would you say is your biggest success up until now?

A: To be very honest about that. My biggest success is, my wife and for a while were separated and my biggest success, and our biggest success is, in spite of that, we worked hard to overcome those issues and are back together. 


Q: What’s something you know now that you wish you knew earlier?

A: Don’t worry so much. To all young people everywhere. Answer your calling in life. Do not worry about outcomes, but pursue your calling with vigor, don’t worry about results, and don’t worry about what people think. If they are your heartfelt dreams, grab hold of them and go after it.


5 Minutes with Green Party’s Byron Tenkink

5 Minutes with New Democratic Party’s Lon Borgerson

5 Minutes with Conservative Party’s Randy Hoback

Videography by Khang Nguyen.

On Twitter: @princealbertnow