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Not such a cold winter after all?

Nov 26, 2018 | 11:15 AM

The Farmer’s Almanac has predicted colder than normal temperatures for our wider region with above average precipitation for the 2018/2019 winter season.

However, according to Environment Canada Meteorologist Terri Lang, the prairies should be in for a milder winter thanks to El Niño.

“It usually means that we have a warmer than average winter, and a drier than average winter,” Lang said.

But she reminded people not to put away the snow shovels just yet.

“It doesn’t mean it’s not going snow. It doesn’t mean it’s not going to be cold. It just means when you average everything out over the time period, it’s projected to be milder and drier,” she said.

The phenomenon called El Niño, takes place when water moves from the western tropical Pacific Ocean toward the coast of South America.

Despite the good long term outlook we’ll be in for a blast of winter soon.

Lang warned that Tuesday night and continuing through Wednesday, some parts of the region, including Prince Albert should see around 10 centimeres of snow.

To keep abreast of the current weather, visit Environment Canada’s website.
