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Options on securing property

Nov 14, 2018 | 4:00 PM

Securing your household is now easier than it has ever been before, something that may come as a relief to many homeowners in light of the increase in petty crime in and around the city. 

The introduction, in recent years, of smart-devices that allow homeowners to monitor their property from great distances, and advances in security cameras, lights and motion detectors has greatly increased the options for living in a secured household.

paNOW reached out to security companies in the city to get an idea of what’s available to help in the fight against crime.

Prince Albert Alarm Systems general manager, Jeff Stumpf, said he believes security systems should be something that every home owner should strongly consider, before rather than after something happens.

“The simplest way to get secured is just to give us a phone call,” Stumpf said. “We’ll come down to your place and go through everything with you. A monitored alarm system is really one of the best deterrents to thieves that you can imagine.”

Stumpf noted the difference between a monitored and unmonitored system could be the difference between not only losing your property, but something much worse.

A non-monitored system, which can be purchased through almost any electronics store, typically will sound an alarm if an intruder is recognized, but will take no further action to deter the intruder.

A monitored system, Stumpf noted, is directly linked to someone who will be notified of the disturbance immediately, and who can relay the disturbance to any and all needed emergency services.

“With today’s technology you can really have a smart home,” Stumpf said. “These alarm systems aren’t just alarms anymore, they can control a lot of different things in your house and can really just make your life easier.”

Regan Grimwood, service manager for Prince Albert Alarm Systems, added he believes not only households, but businesses as well, should be investing in security systems.

“We work with a lot of businesses in town and the area and for them it’s a great way to lower their shrinkage and their liability,” Grimwood said. “If you are a small business owner or a big business owner it’s amazing the amount of money you can save by having a security system to really protect you.”

Myron Jacobsen, the owner of Reed Security in Prince Albert, told paNOW he believes the easiest method to feeling safe is to invest in a reliable security system.

“There are all different kind of security systems,” Jacobsen said. “And now you can add all different kind of sensors like smoke sensors, flood sensors, door sensors, it really isn’t just security but controlling your entire house.”

Jacobsen added that there are special pricing promotions available to make security systems easily available to anyone interested in securing their home.

“We’ve had a lot more phone calls and interest recently in security systems,” Jacobsen said. “With smart apps now, and being able to control your system from your phone being safe is really easier than ever. You can see who is coming and going from your house at all times right from your phone.”

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