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Scouts Canada … What We Are About

Oct 23, 2010 | 3:42 PM

To contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.

Scouting’s Mission is achieved by:

•  involving youth throughout their formative years in a non-formal educational process.
•  using a specific method that makes each individual the principal agent in his or her development as a self-reliant, supportive, responsible and committed person.
•  assisting youth to establish a value system based upon spiritual, social and personal principles as expressed in the Promise and Law.

Scouting is based on three broad principles which represent its fundamental beliefs. These include:

•  Duty to God: Defined as, The responsibility to adhere to spiritual principles, and thus to the religion that expresses them, and to accept the duties therefrom.
•  Duty to Others: Defined as, The responsibility to one's local, national and global community members to promote peace, understanding and cooperation, through
participation in the development of society, respect for the dignity of one's fellow-beings, and protection of the integrity of the natural world.
•  Duty to Self: Defined as, The responsibility for the development of oneself to one's full potential physically, intellectually, spiritually and socially.

Practices and Methods:
Scouts Canada employs a system of progressive self-education which includes the following practices and methods:

•  commitment to the values in a Promise and Law,
•  learning by doing,
•  membership in small groups,
•  progressive and stimulating contemporary programs,
•  commitment to the values of doing one's best, contributing to the community, respecting and caring for others, contributing as a family member,
•  relevant through youth and young adult engagement
•  use of outdoor activities as a key learning resource.

To further our connection with Scouting members around the world, Scouts Canada’s Board of Governors has adopted the World Scout Vision as our own. Without a vision, there is no future. We feel that this Vision represents Canada’s hopes and plans as we celebrate 100 years of Scouting and move into the next century.

 As Scouting enters its second century, it sees itself as:

•    a credible, value-based, educational movement
•    dynamic and innovative
•    involving more and more young people, boys and girls, from 
     broader segments of society
•    attractive to adults, women and men, in all cultures
•    making a real contribution to creating a better world.