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St. Michael’s Community School – how we operate.

Nov 5, 2010 | 5:08 PM

A community school is a designated urban school that receives a special grant from Saskatchewan Education, Training and Employment to provide a wide range of services to its populace. 

The grant assists with the general operation of the program and provides the services of a Community School Coordinator and four Teacher Associates.  The development and success of the
Community School program depends on parent, family, community, staff and church participation. 

The coordinator and associates work as liaison among the parents, community and the school.  Any person in the community is welcome to volunteer to become involved as an assistant, volunteer, organizer, or resource person. 

The community school encompasses many components such as community use of facilities, community based adult education programs, and community involvement in the regular school and classroom programs.

  Five of the most intensive and important services coordinated by St. Michael Community School are:
1. Pre-kindergarten program — this is a program may be available to children who were born in 2000 of the St. Michael community.  Classes are held regularly from September to June.
2. Parent organized school bus — this service provides students with a reliable, safe means of travelling to and from school.

3. Nutritious snack program — supplying a daily snack for all Pre K-9 students and/or breakfast/lunch for those students requiring this service.
4. After school and evening programs – are organized and supervised by the Community School Coordinator and Associates.  These activities are developed based on input from students, parents and the community. These coordinated activities have included:  community school picnic,
Pancake Breakfast, choir, swim lessons, field trips, computer classes, winter activities, cooking class, after school crafts, homework room, evening sports, etc.

The essence of the school's success in working with parents is a spirit of cooperation with the shared purpose of meeting the students' needs.  A Community School Council made up of parents, works to help the principal, staff, coordinator and associates in any way they can.  They meet once a month

and always welcome new members.  Through a concentrated effort by the coordinator and associates, teachers, parents and the community at large strive to make the Community School a learning environment for all people.