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Much needed help for the Food Bank

Nov 18, 2010 | 5:26 AM

The Prince Albert Share a Meal/Food Bank use mirrors the increase in food bank usage nationwide.

Food Bank Canada is reporting an increase of 9.2 per cent around the country, which Ron Bergen president of the local food bank said he sees here too.

“In Prince Albert things appear to be booming pretty good, but down on the lower end those people are the ones that aren’t being carried along,” Bergen said.

One reason the food bank is so popular here is because the area has a high transient population, he said.

“Some of these people that do come in, come in here and find that it is very expensive to get something to rent. The next thing they know they’ve got themselves into some problems and their over to the food bank or having the meals in the afternoon.”

Bergan said the food bank has an added stress because it also serves meals, something that is unique to Prince Albert.

A $130,000 expansion is in the works for the facility, which includes a much needed update to their kitchen. Bergen said they have applied for a grant to fund that part of the project but is asking for the public’s assistance raising the money.

He said Prince Albert businesses are very supportive, but he is hoping for more donations for the expansion.

The food bank has spent upwards of $9,000 purchasing food this year, but Bergen said a number of fundraisers and donation drives are helping.

“Our shelves are full. I wish we had a lot of these things just before summer (when) we wouldn’t have to put out so much money of our own.”

The latest effort to ease pressure at the Food Bank is the Boreal Sky Concert Series — a trilogy of music shows organized by local singer/songwriter Cathleen Lesperance.

The first concert is to take place on Nov. 21 at Great Western Coffee featuring Shayne Lazarowich and Abraham Lancaster form 7 p.m. to 9 p. m.

The two following shows are Jan. 23 and Mar. 13.

Tickets are $15.