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Coming Events for the Legion

Nov 19, 2010 | 6:09 PM

December 3 – Come to the Legion Lounge and dance to the music of Bannock Country from 7:00pm to 12:00 midnight.
December 8 – General Membership meeting and election of officers in the Legion Auditiorium at 7:30pm
December 12 –  Come to the Legion Auditiorium and listen to Larry Krause and various artists from across Saskatchewan. The performance is from 2:00pm to 4:00 pm. $5.00 charge at the door.
December 17-  Friday night, dance to the music of Bannock Country in the Legion Lounge from 7:00pm to 12:00 midnight.
Every Thursday night at 7:00 pm is cribbage night in the Lounge, open to anyone who would like to play.
The Legion Auditorium is available for rent for you Christmas party or any social event, call the Legion at 763-7201 or 763-7979
The Legion is looking for Cribbage Boards and Large Ring Binders, any donations will be greatly appreciated.
New Years Dance – Come for a good time with Danny and The Boys Band, snacks and party favours from 8:00pm to 1:00am in the Legion Lounge, everyone is welcome.