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Community Networking Coalition Meeting Notes – Many Groups Gathering to Help Each Other

Dec 3, 2010 | 7:55 AM

At our last meeting we had updates from all groups/organizations & individuals.
Welcome to Sharon Merasty and Nicole Kothlow, new workers with Kids First.  Janice Thomas Gervais brought them with her to the gathering as part of their orientation as new workers in the field.  This is a wonderful idea and a great way to provide our new staff members with an overview of the work that is being done in Prince Albert, the issues that are being discussed and a chance to meet colleagues in person. 
I apologize for getting behind on taking notes when the round table started, if anyone has an announcement from the round table that you want to send out, please e-mail it to me for general distrubuition. 
I did  note the following specific requests:
Needed: winter coats, socks, mitts for adults – contact Edna Bruce YWCA
Rooms available for Men and Women – Westgate Community Housing – contact Ursala Roberts
Cash Calendars (PA Canadian Mental Health Assoc) still available – contact Doug Kinar
CNC Directory – your contact information – if you have not sent me your contact information, please e-mail me your name, contact information (phone/e-mail/fax), name & address of your organization/your title within that organization.   We will be releasing the first draft of the CNC directory by the end of December, 2010. 
12:25 – 12:45 Presentation from Karen Cay, Community Affairs,
Karen brought us up to date on the amazing media portal created by Rawlco Radio.  She talked about the many opportunities that are available on the website,, specifically the Community Groups link.  You can post events, fundraisers, meetings, etc from your group/agency/service club, etc free of charge.  To  view the website, go to  You will be amazed by what you find!
12:45 – 1:00 – Networking
Next Gathering – December 14th – Christmas Party, potluck Desserts – invitation coming out soon.