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Regional Newcomer Centre – YWCA news

Dec 19, 2010 | 2:43 PM

The center is located at 107 C – 15th Street West (next to General Paint on 15th Street).
We are one of 11 centres such Gateways across the Province in partnership with service providers in each area, and were launched through the Ministry of Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration.
The RNC is a first stop centre that assists and supports individuals, families, employers, agencies and service providers. This is accomplished through accessing information about the available resources and services and giving this information out to our clients. 
We have a special focus on immigrants and foreign workers, however our services are also avilable to all people moving to Prince Albert and area from other parts of SK and Canada.  Our services are free and as well, we have 3 computers and free internet, photocopying and faxing. 
We can assist our clients with navigating through all government forms and programs.  Our settlement advisors can help make a plan as to what services the client requires and what services are available to fit their needs. 
Karen Ferris, Settlement Advisor, YWCA Regional Newcomer Center – (306)765-2530