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Jan 8, 2011 | 5:12 PM

A wonderful opportunity to get to know other people at First Baptist Church is through the F.I.S.H. program.

F.I.S.H. stands for Fellowship In Someone’s Home.

Typically the group runs once a month during the months of January through April.

A host will be assigned for the first get-to-together, and after that the group can pick another host and decide when and where to meet.

Some of the activities the group may participate in is a potluck meal, bowling, board games evening, pizza party, etc.

The sky’s the limit for ideas. Anyone can participate and this is a fun way to meet others within the church.

If there is enough interest, a second time can be arranged for early summer.

People can sign up for this in the late fall with groups being assigned by December.

Still not sure? Call the church office at 764-5869 for more details. Hope you will try to F.I.S.H. soon!