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Saskatchewan man says chiefs need to set better example

Feb 4, 2011 | 10:32 AM

A man, who has always been very vocal about the need for greater accountability within Saskatchewan's First Nations community, is expressing concern over some recent incidents.

“It's a wakeup for other First Nations communities,” said Tyrone Tootoosis from the Poundmaker Cree Nation, responding to reports of several chiefs finding themselves on the wrong side of the law.

The Chief and Council of the Key First Nation are charged in connection with an alleged drug ring.

The Chief of the Fond Du Lac First Nation was fined $1,250 last month for failing to give a breath sample. Napolean Mercredi's charge of impaired driving was dropped, but his license was suspended for one year.

Guy Lonechild, Chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, will be sentenced next month for a drunk-driving incident that happened in 2009, before he was elected.

Lonechild said he told the FSIN's Credentials Committee about the incident. In a letter of apology to Chiefs and First Nations people, Lonechild maintained the committee ruled he was still eligible to run for chief.

Tootoosis said this information was concerning.

“I don't think I'd be remiss is asking for a greater level of disclosure and transparency in how our executive governs itself. It would be good to know more about the credentials commitee and what they base their decisions on, and who is on the committee.”

It is not for Lonechild to decide if the apology is enough, Tootoosis said.

“And all in fairness they are human, but I think it is also fair to say that the standard of conduct for our public officials is a little bit higher.”