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Feb 4, 2011 | 6:02 PM

Lynda Nolan, the National President of the Royal Purple of Canada will be visiting the conjoined lodges of Prince Albert/Paddockwood Royal Purple Lodges #50 and 344 on Mar. 8th 2011.  She will be addressing members and guests on their regular night and welcomes the public to attend.
Royal Purple formed in 1914, is a charitable organization that focuses primarily on the promotion and support of community needs across Canada through local and national programs, with special attentions to children's needs.
The organization has contributed to many community services by providing special equipment for hospitals, playgrounds, conducting  children's camps, assisting with senior citizen housing and special provincial facilities dealing with speech and hearing.
Their national charity, the Elks and Royal Purple Fund for Children in affiliation with the Elks of Canada, places emphasis on early identification of hearing and speech impairment in children.  This fund also provides assistance for children in need when other services are not available.
The Elks and Royal Purple Fund for Children has contributed over 11 million dollars throughout Canada for these special projects and for the early detection of speech and hearing impairment.   They offer you an opportunity to donate to their national charity, the Elks and Royal Purple Fund for Children, on line.  Your donation goes straight to work to support the programs that help special children in lodge communities all across Canada.
For further information, contact:
200-2629-29th Ave.
Regina SK  S4S 2N9
Telephone;   (306) 585-2233
Fax:             (306) 585-2244