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Construction underway on Highway 11

Mar 17, 2011 | 12:32 PM

Drivers can look forward to a more comfortable drive between Saskatoon and Prince Albert as winter work has already begun on the twinning of Highway 11 between the two cities.

In early February crews began grading near Duck Lake, only last week they began clearing trees between Duck Lake and MacDowall, and gravel needed for future paving is already starting to be stockpiled north of Rosthern.

Dan Palmer, communications consultant with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways, said winter work has already started, but the bulk of the construction will start in April or May.

“Additional work will begin as (weather) conditions allow, as part of the major construction season,” said Palmer.

The next step in the construction will be 15 kilometers of highway near MacDowell and a 30 kilometer stretch of highway starting south of Hague and continuing to north of Rosthern – both of which are expected to be open to motorists later this year.

Palmer said the twinning of Highway 11 is a priority because it’s Saskatchewan’s north/south corridor, it will improve safety and it “links three of our largest cities in the province.”

Palmer said the construction won’t affect traffic on the existing lanes.