Common Questions Families Have About Dealing with Alzheimer’s
1. When is it time to consider placing my mother in a nursing home?
This is a difficult decision for family members. As the disease progresses, the person will require “round the clock,” full-time care (24 hrs a day, 7days a week). No one can do this alone. If programs, services and resources are available in your community, you may prefer to care for your mother at home. If not, a move to a long-term care facility is an option. Other things need to be considered as well, such as the state of your health, work situation and supports available for you. It is best to gather information about care options in your community early so you can make informed decisions when the time comes. Visit the section on long-term care for more information.
2. I've just put my wife in a nursing home and I feel terribly guilty. How can I cope with this?
As a caregiver, you may be feeling a variety of emotions — guilt, relief, second thoughts. These are all normal feelings. Adjusting to the new environment and to your new caregiver role will take time. Know that you've made the best decision for you and your wife. You may find a visit to the Alzheimer Society Message Board helpful — you'll find other caregivers discussing how they feel and ways they've found to cope with this difficult role of being a caregiver.