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Rock Paper Scissors Event for Big Brothers Big Sisters

May 30, 2011 | 10:20 AM

Big Brothers Big Sisters 1st Annual Rock Paper Scissors Challenge is June 25th. We need Teams! We’re confident that with the always tremendous support of our membership this is going to be a huge success.

In case you don’t know the details here’s a little “how to” for getting involved in the RPS Challenge.

First you get your team of four together and start collecting pledges from friends, family, co workers, and people that owe you because you bought candy bars and raffle tickets for their kid’s school. As long as your team collects or chips in $100 total you’re in the event. That’s only $25 a person.

There are lots of great prizes including a Trip for two to anywhere WestJet flies.

Throughout the whole event the emphasis is on the fun. If you can’t have a good time at the BBBS Rock Paper Scissors Challenge then you probably can’t have a good time anywhere.

To top it all off you will be supporting one of Prince Albert’s most awesome and important charities, if we do say so ourselves.

So to sum up. Great Event. Great Prizes. Super Great cause. Do we all agree this is something you should be doing? Good. Then head on over to

You can register your team today. Or sign up as an individual and join a team or add teammates later on.

Any questions comments or concerns or if you just want more info please email or call 922-1299.