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Some vendors were offering unique items at the Midtown Hall sale Saturday (Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)

Sale reveals interesting collections

Mar 10, 2019 | 10:00 AM

Near spring-like weather had some folks in Prince Albert bringing out their older and interesting wares.

Local vendors got together to put on the first annual Spring Fling Antique, Collectable and Craft Sale at the Midtown Hall. Cathy Appelgren, who helped organize the sale said they decided to bring the event to P.A. to shake things up.

“We just decided that we wanted to try a different venue this year, so we came into Prince Albert and are just trying it out,” she said.

In past years the sale has been in McDowall, south of the city. Appelgren said they had 18 tables with 11 different vendors from a number of places.

“We have them coming from Prince Albert, Rapid Lake, Watson,” she said.

Vendors had a variety of items for sale, ranging from old farm equipment to hand made clothing. One of the more unique tables was being run by P.A. resident Bob Eskes.

“I was in the salvage business for many, many years and a lot of it caught my attention and I stuck it away and just collected it you know,” he said.

Eskes said he has a whole barn full of items which he has collected over the years, he brought a number of items to the sale on Saturday and was getting a large amount of interest.

“There’s some unique things there: license plates for the 40’s and 30’s and that old cast iron sausage stuffer and old antique tools and whatever,” he said.

(Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)

Eskes was not the only vendor selling items that could be considered historically significant. Melfort’s Eldon Tolofson, was offering a combination of antiques and collectables ranging from cast iron to class wear.

“I just buy whatever I think is interesting and just try to make a few dollars on it,” he said.

Tolofson, who has been involved in collecting unique items for as long as 20 years, said some people like what he offers because of the nostalgia factor.

“They’re just attracted to it, maybe their grandparents or their parents had it and [it] just draws an interest for them,” he said.

Besides keeping older objects around, Tolofson explained another one of the reasons he enjoys collecting antiques is that it keeps the items in use.

“I think it’s good to just reuse and repurpose stuff, it’s better than throwing it out and going and buying new,” he said.

The antique show and sale will be wrapping up Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m.

On Twitter: @mjhskcdn

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