Best Car Wash: 6th Avenue Car Wash
If your vehicle is in need of a car wash, car cleaning, or car detailing then Prince Albert UniglassPlus Ziebert and 6th Avenue Car Wash in Prince Albert is the place to go.
6th Avenue Car Wash has for many years kept the reputation of being the cleanest car wash in town with the friendliest most helpful staff. The facility consists of a 12 bay self serve car wash that specializes in fleet and commercial services. This summer the car wash underwent a large number of renovations and upgrades. New curtains were installed in each wash bay and the added convenience of credit card swipes was also added to each bay to provide customers with an easier and faster payment option.
Today 6th Avenue Car Wash can offer so much more than just a regular car wash. This year owners, Shelley and Mike, made the decision to expand the business and opened a UniglassPlus Ziebart franchise right next door to the car wash.
UniglassPlus Ziebart strives to provide their customers with the best solutions to help enhance, preserve and protect their vehicles from a variety of factors. They offer a full line of appearance and protection services including: