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Best Pharmacy: Shoppers Drug Mart – 230 Cornerstone

Sep 30, 2014 | 11:54 PM

Shoppers Drug Mart is Canada’s leading pharmacy retailer with more than 1,256 Associate-owned stores across Canada. Pharmacists at Shoppers Drug Mart are available to provide ongoing health care support to their customers enabling them to live a happier and healthier lifestyle.

Getting your prescription filled is just one of the many services Shoppers Drug Mart pharmacies offer. One service that customers with multiple medications can take advantage of is the opportunity to book a medication assessment to review their medications.

Michael Conte, pharmacist and owner of the Shoppers Drug Mart Pharmacy at 230 Cornerstone in Prince Albert said the number one job of the pharmacist  is preventing any kind of medication interactions that could potentially lead to hospitalization.  He said customers with any concerns about the multiple medications they are taking, can make an appointment to meet with a Pharmacist.

“We just want to help ensure that all of their medication are contributing to their optimal health,” said Conte. “The basis behind it is to review all their medications, including over the counter and natural health products and we will provide any kind of helpful advice as far as achieving the best benefits from their therapy.”

Conte said most consultations last anywhere from 20 minutes to half an hour and should be booked in advance.

“General criteria for a medication assessment is if you are taking five or more long term medications,” said Conte.

 “If someone thinks they are experiencing any kind of sides effects from their medications or if they are finding anything confusing about the multiple medications they are taking they would probably be the best candidates to come in and book an appointment.”

Conte added that himself and the other pharmacists at Shoppers Drug Mart are also available to begin prescribing now for some minor ailments such as cold sores, insect bites, seasonal allergies, migraines, etc.

A full list of services that are offered at Shoppers Drug Mart Pharmacies in Saskatchewan include renewing your prescription, treatment for minor ailments, prescription transfer, organization of your medication, easy refills, medication disposal,  blood pressure checks and of course medical assessments.

“We are very patient focused, we value our patient’s time and endeavor to cater to all of  their health care needs to achieve the best health outcomes through management of their medications,” said Conte

The Shoppers Drug Mart Pharmacy at 230 Cornerstone is the 2014 Best of the Best winner for Best Pharmacy.

Currently there are two Shoppers Drug Mart locations within in Prince Albert. There is the cornerstone location at #230 800 15 St. E and the South Hill Mall location at 2995 2nd Ave W.

To view the Shoppers Drug Mart website click here.


Phone: 306-922-6144

Mon – Sat 8 a.m. – 10 p.m
Sunday 10 a.m. – 10 p.m.

#230 800 15 St. E
Prince Albert, SK
S6V 8E3