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February 2019 has gone down as the fourth coldest month in the city's history. (Brady Bateman/paNOW staff) : Brady Bateman
Record Weather

Feb. 2019 enters top five coldest months in city history

Mar 1, 2019 | 3:49 PM

This past month was cold enough to freeze a polar bear’s lunch kit.

February had everything, frigid wind chills, deathly-cold temperatures, and even the odd snowfall.

As we enter a new month, Environment Canada has confirmed that Feb. 2019, goes down as the fourth coldest month Prince Albert ever endured, coming in at a frosty average mean temperature of -24.6 C.

“So that puts it fourth-coldest ever, behind 1936, 1979 and 1890,” said Terri Lang, meteorologist with Environment Canada. ” The coldest temperature that came in (Feb.) was -44.8 degree on Feb. 8, and the highest wind chill came in at -51 degrees on Feb. 7.”

(Submitted photo/ Environment Canada)

February’s all time cold record was set in 1936 with an average mean temperature of minus -27.3 degrees.

With two days left in the month it was in line to be the second coldest all-time but a late warm-up bumped it down the list.

Lang insisted that it’s still a notable record.

“P.A.’s got a fairly long record so still coming in fourth place, you know we all thought it was cold, and it was cold,” she said.

Weather records have been kept for 133 years in Prince Albert and if we look back we find some warm years as well. In 1931, residents of the city enjoyed the warmest February on record with an average temperature of -5.4 degrees.

With early predictions of this winter being warmer than average, Lang said the last two month of nasty cold will probably drop the averages into the normal or below normal range.

(Submitted photo/ Environment Canada)

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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