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Prince Albert gets a rare day with normal temperatures amidst a continuing cold snap. (Brady Bateman/paNOW staff) : Brady Bateman
near-Tropical Temperatures

Environment Canada projects normal high for the first time in 31 days

Feb 27, 2019 | 12:14 PM

After a long barrage of bitingly cold weather, today’s projected high will feel absolutely tropical.

As of 10 a.m. Wednesday morning, Environment Canada’s posted high was -6 degrees.

Meteorologist Terri Lang said it’s been exactly 31 days since we’ve seen temperatures this warm.

“The last time it got warmer like this was actually a month ago to the date, Jan. 27, it got to -5.8 degrees,” Lang explained.

Lang said Wednesday’s high will be close to normal temperatures for this time of year. She goes on to say that historically, temperatures vary widely on this day, with record highs and lows bouncing between 10.9 degree and – 42.8 degrees.

It’s expected that February 2019, will go down as one of the coldest months in the city’s history, but that won’t be confirmed until the month is over.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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