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(File photo/ paNOW Staff)
crime stats

Crime numbers dropping in lake country

Feb 27, 2019 | 11:55 AM

Work being done by residents living in the Emma Lake and Christopher Lake areas to deter criminals has shown some good results, according to new statistics provided by the RCMP.

Comparing 2018 to 2017, there was a noticeable decrease for the number of break and enters related to seasonal cabins, residences, and garages. Sgt. Lyle Korczak with the Prince Albert RCMP detachment attributes the decrease to the vigilance of local residents.

“They are getting security systems, they are locking their stuff up, and they are watching for things, they are calling in more suspicious activity,” he said.

In 2017, there were 22 reports made to RCMP related to break-ins at seasonal cabins. For 2018, the number dropped to 13. In the case of break-ins at residences, there were two last year, compared to nine the year prior. While pleased with the positive trend, Korczak said it’s something he would like to see continue.

“We want to see those numbers going lower and lower each year. We’ve got to make sure it’s not just a one-off,” he said. “The danger with this is people are going to see a reduction and think ‘oh great, the problem is fixed,’ and a year and a half from now we run into the same issue.”

The Lake Country Crime watch group has been proactive in recent months, encouraging residents to report suspicious activity. (File photo/ paNOW Staff)

Also included with the statistics was vehicle thefts, which remained status quo year over year at 10. The number of thefts related to boats and ATVs decreased, from six to two.

One new category created last year was for traffic offences and there were 108 tickets issued related to speeding. Korczak said the traffic division has stepped up enforcement so the number may simply reflect more attention by the officers to the issue.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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