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NDP MP Georgina Jolibois stated Canadians should know the risks with the expansion. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)
Trans Mountain

Environment should be considered during pipeline expansion: NDP MP

Jun 20, 2019 | 5:31 PM

With the expansion of the Trans Mountain Pipeline approved this week by the Liberals, NDP MP Georgina Jolibois wants assurance the environment will remain protected.

She represents the Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River riding covering northern Saskatchewan and she stated she’s confused how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau could announce in the House of Commons on Monday there is a climate emergency, then on the next day approve the Trans Mountain Pipeline.

“He’s saying both things and, as we move forward, as we forge ahead, I’m looking for clarification on his end,” Jolibois said. “There was a debate, and the Liberals joined in on the debate and there was a discussion on it. Then, the very next day, Prime Minister Trudeau, as was expected, made the announcement to forge ahead on the pipeline.”

Moving forward, she noted residents of Northern Saskatchewan should be consulted as they would be interested to know what the project involves. It’s important people know the environmental impact the expansion will have, Jolibois added, as well as any risks posed to lakes, rivers, aquafers, land and wildlife.

As for the Liberals plan to use pipeline profits to develop clean energy projects, she said they have had so many different ideas in the last four years. She also believes the pipeline is losing money and could be a risk to Canadians.

“The onus is on us to ensure we look after the environment because it is very important,” Jolibois said. “I heard elders say the lakes and rivers in the forest we must protect to ensure the future generations are safe and secure.”

Estelle Hjertaas, the Liberal candidate for Prince Albert in the upcoming federal election, stated the pipeline approval was done in the best way possible. She noted there are 156 conditions imposed on the project, adding there will also be discussion about the potential for Indigenous ownership of it. Hjertaas was also happy to learn profits from the pipeline will fund new green energy projects.

In this case, Hjertaas said its all about trying to balance the economy with protecting the environment. She mentioned there are provincial governments in favour of the pipeline with others legitimately concerned about the environmental impact. Hjertaas stated it’s important to remember much of the pipeline will be expanded along the current route, which is less destructive than a completely new one.

“I do have an environmental background and people who know me know I am very strong in this,” she said. “In the interim, unfortunately, we do have to keep using fossil fuels because we aren’t set up to function without them right now. This is the best thing we can do to use profits from that to transition into a green economy.”

Hjertaas also noted the Liberals have worked to protect the environment with the Climate Action Fund, carbon tax, cleaner fuel standards and more.

With files from Brady Bateman

Twitter: @saskjourno

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