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A man in Prince Albert has learned the hard way, not to use a cell phone while riding a bike. (paNOW Staff/ Glenn Hicks)
Distracted Cycling

Cyclist was on phone prior to crash: Parkland Ambulance

May 27, 2019 | 1:04 PM

A weekend incident is a reminder for all cyclists to exercise awareness and caution while behind the handlebars.

Early Saturday afternoon, Parkland Ambulance Paramedics attended after a bike collided with a vehicle. The cyclist, a 53-year-old-man, was taken to hospital for further care. According to paramedics he was injured while using his cellphone.

“We often don’t hear about this type of collision,” Lyle Karasiuk, the director of public affairs for Parkland Ambulance, said. “Certainly this illustrates the point that the cellphone needs to be put away, just like we tell people when they are driving in their car or truck.”

Karasiuk said he heard the man is in good and stable condition.

As we enter warmer-weather, Karasiuk encourages all cyclists to take safety precautions.

“Obviously a helmet is a good thing, and we want to encourage [people to use it]. Whether you’re an older cyclist, or just a little one, a helmet is what’s going to protect your head from serious injury,” Karasiuk said. “Obey the rules of the road, stopping at stop signs, walking your bike across busy intersections and using hand signals to tell traffic if you’re going right, left or stopping.”

In an e-mail response the Prince Albert Police Department said the incident is under investigation and that traffic laws state a person riding a bike can be charged for using their cellphone.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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