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Safety First

Let the Fun Begin – May Long-Weekend

May 15, 2019 | 10:38 AM

Let the fun begin.

The May long weekend signals the traditional start to the summer fun season. Many of us will put the dock in at the lake or swept the leaves off the deck in preparation for another season.

One of the most enjoyed summer activities is out on the water. Whether that’s towed behind a boat on a tube, swimming, fishing or relaxing on a large pontoon boat, summer and water go hand in hand.

Tragically one weekend this year we may be reminded of the dangers of water.

Someone not wearing a lifejacket may have their boat over turn and they might drown. While May signals summer someone may have not told Mother Nature to warm up our lakes and rivers. Many large bodies of water are still icy cold. In cold water your chances of survival diminish greatly. If you will out on the water for a relaxing day of fishing or any water sport, be prepared.

Wear your life jacket!

Many of Canadians may not have their pleasure craft operators card aka their boat driving license. Many people still say “I’ve been boating for a long time and I know all rules.” The process to getting your card can be some time, some money and then a few hours in front of your computer reading the material. Making Canadian waterways safer is the boat exam aim. Go on line and get your pleasure craft operators card. Still many of us don’t wear either a personal floatation device or a life jacket.

These devices are designed to do one thing keep you afloat. So when you boat over turns, the cooler, people, paddle or the boat itself strike you, knocks you out then how fast can you put your life jacket on? The water is cold and you have minutes to focus on controlling your breathing, orientate yourself and then search for the floating life jacket, get it on then try to be rescued. Will you survive? Stark reminders of the need for all of us each and every time we leave shore to WEAR YOUR LIFE JACKET! It is not a seat cushion. Don’t go looking for it in the box at the back of the boat. Just wear it!

Parents, in a moment of chatting on the cell phone or going to grab a towel that curious 3 or 5-year-old child can drown while at the sunny beach.

.Always keep an eye on children while near any water. Back yard pools need to be fenced with secure gates. As quick as a small puppy a child can be behind you accessing the dangers of the pool. No matter how deep 4 inches or 4 feet children can drown in the water.

Know the dangers, protect yourself and your family, have a great summer safely!

This May long weekend as you head out on the highway towing the boat or trailer, slow down and give yourself plenty of time to reach the destination.

Eliminate distractions such talking on the cell phone or dealing with anxious pets and children. The long weekend starts Paramedic Services Week on May 26.

Paramedics are the essential health care professionals who bring lifesaving care to your door step. Congratulations to the men and women of Parkland Ambulance Care who are dedicated to saving lives.

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