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City of Prince Albert staff after picking up litter downtown Thursday morning. (submitted photograph/Kiley Bear, City of Prince Albert)
Pitch-in Week 2019

City staff help wrap up Pitch-In Week

May 9, 2019 | 2:28 PM

Pitch-In Week is ongoing in Prince Albert.

So far, cleanup efforts took place in neighbourhoods across the city as citizens were encouraged to get out and help out.

On Thursday morning, staff from city hall got in on the effort as 20 city staff including members of the Prince Albert Police Service took to the streets downtown to pick up litter.

Kiley Bear, communications manager for the city, said the Thursday morning cleanup work provided a good opportunity for staff.

“It’s nice to have city hall get engaged and have employees come out and do their part and be part of the community and do a little bit of clean up,” she said.

Bear said people who went out this year noticed there was not as much to pick up in the downtown.

“You know this year we had people coming back saying that it wasn’t too bad out there, which is really encouraging to hear,” she said adding 20 bags of garbage were collected.

Coun.Tara Lennox-Zepp was on hand Thursday morning and helped municipal staff with the effort. Lennox-Zepp said the week is important for her.

“When a place looks good, then people feel good about the space,” she said. “I hear really great things from residents in the area and business owners thanking volunteers for putting in the time to come and make this a more beautiful space.”

Lennox-Zepp said right now is an exciting time for the downtown area with the new University of Saskatchewan campus set to open in 2020 and the Prince Albert Police Service acquiring the old Conexus building.

“That will really give a huge facelift to the downtown,” she said.

On Twitter: @mjhskcdn

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