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From left: Councilors Evert Botha, Tara Lennox-Zepp and Charlene Miller. (File Photo/ paNOW Staff)
Councillors pitching in

City-wide cleanup starting next week

May 3, 2019 | 12:45 PM

Despite the recent snow, spring cleaning will soon be underway in Prince Albert in correlation with Pitch-In Week.

Pitch-In Week is a national campaign designed to help communities engage in good recycling practices and to encourage Canadians to improve communities and ecosystems.

It’s something that Ward 3 councilor Evert Botha champions.

“Very often residents want to do more and community cleanup and Pitch-In Week is just that, where we can all get together with our neighbours,” Botha said. “We can work together to clean up our back lanes and get rid of everything that has been sitting there for months.”

Botha said focusing on cleaning up back alleys is important for neighborhoods.

“A safer and cleaner community, starts with a cleaner community,” Botha told paNOW.

He added this year they want to put a special emphasis on recycling as much as possible.

Ward 1 Councilor, Charlene Miller organized the event for around 10 years.

Miller said it’s always great watching community groups, residents and schools working together.

“Even when the kids go and clean up the streets, even the little things matter,” Miller said. “Last year, I believe it was 30 tons of waste that went to the landfill.”

Residents were encouraged to register online on the city’s website before the cleanup, but Miller said it’s not too late. Those wanting to help out, they can meet up with her at Parkland Hall.

Miller said she will be available starting at 9 a.m. from May 6 – 12 with chilli available for volunteers at lunchtime.

People can still register on the city’s Pitch-In page. Once registered, they can pick up bags and gloves on the third floor of city hall for use at the event.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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