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Volunteers from the cancer society were greeting those who came out. (Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)
Cancer Society Fundraiser

Pancake breakfast draws crowd

Apr 16, 2019 | 12:00 PM

A long-standing event continued Tuesday morning at the Coronet Hotel.

The Prince Albert office for the Canadian Cancer Society put on its annual pancake breakfast to help kick off Daffodil Month, which is a big fundraising time for the Canadian Cancer Society.

Charlene Bernard, the manager of the P.A. office for the cancer society said they were happy with the number of people coming out.

“Great, it was steady in the morning and now it’s really picked up,” she said.

Those who came out for the breakfast got a pancake breakfast for $5, which included coffee and sausages. Bernard said the breakfast is a fundraiser that gets lots of support from the community and draws a regular crowd, which includes people who volunteer for the organization. Bernard said the breakfast generally raises around $500.

“This year we’re seeing a lot of new faces, so that’s good too,” she said.

(Michael Joel-Hansen/paNOW Staff)

Bernard had high praise for the Coronet Hotel for hosting the event, which they have been doing so for quite a number of years.

“They do all the hard work, they make the breakfast, they serve it and all we do is sell the tickets and greet people at the door,” she said.

Mona Selanders, general manager of the Coronet Hotel said hosting the breakfast is something they look forward to and a good way to say thank you to the cancer society.

“We love doing it, it’s a lot of fun, we see people that we haven’t seen in a while,” she said.

Selanders agreed the turnout for the breakfast was good as it is most years, with many familiar faces, and some new ones mixed in. She added the solid numbers are especially nice to see given that many people were still lined up at the Art Hauser Centre for Raiders tickets.

“The turn out is great, we’re up against some serious competition,” she said.

The local cancer society has a number of other fundraisers coming up, including their spring fundraiser and the Relay for Life, which is set for June.

On Twitter: @mjhskcdn

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