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Colton Anderson (left) winning a silver at the Western Canadian Weightlifting Championship. (submitted photo/Trevor Anderson)
Weight Lifting

P.A. weightlifter raises the bar

Apr 3, 2019 | 12:34 PM

Results speak for themselves and in the case of a young Prince Albert weightlifter, the results are impressive.

Colton Anderson is only 18, still a junior in his sport of Olympic weightlifting but he’s competing in senior level events and winning.

Anderson attended the 2019 Western Canadian Weightlifting Championships this past weekend in Kelowna, B.C. and won silver in the 73 kg weight category, only losing out on first place by one kilogram.

Colton Anderson competing at the Western Canadian Weightlifting Championship in the clean and jerk category. (Submitted Video/ Trevor Anderson)

“Usually (they) don’t send juniors, because juniors can’t compete with the seniors, the seniors are usually stronger, but my total is really high so they sent me,” Andeson explained.

Anderson said he spends just about every day working out at the 4 Horsemen Fitness in Prince Albert.

“I train seven days a week for two to three hours a day,” Anderson told paNOW.

He said there are no upcoming competitions that he’ll be attending, so he plans to take the summer to train and bulk up.

“I’m just trying to put on more weight so that when I go to senior Nationals, let’s say next year, I’ll be near the end, rather than the beginning of my weight class,” Anderson said.

Anderson hopes that as he matures and improves, he’ll be able to one day attend and compete in the Pan American or Commonwealth Games.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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