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This past month was a nice break from February and low precipitation amounts have helped notch it as one of the all time driest March's. (Ronald Quaroni/ paNOW Staff)
Parched March

Record low precipitation in March

Apr 1, 2019 | 2:02 PM

March was relatively unremarkable weatherwise.

Terri Lang, a meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada, said there was an almost complete lack of precipitation last month.

“Only 1.5 mm recorded in Prince Albert for the month of March, compare to (the average of) 18.6 mm,” Lang explained. “That puts it amongst one of the driest March’s on record.”

Last month’s precipitation matches a record set in 1926. It was the third driest month on record after 1906 and 1925.Lang said the spring drought was not localized.

“One of the top three driest March’s on record for all of Saskatchewan. Not just parts of Saskatchewan, for almost every station that we have records for,” Lang said.

Despite the record, Lang said moisture is on the way for April.

“Above average temperatures and through Northern and Central Saskatchewan, they’re calling for above average precipitation,” Lang said.

She added it was still too early to claim an end to the threat of snow. And she was right. By mid-afternoon Monday, Prince Albert experienced a short but frenzied burst of gusting snow.

Monday, April 1, 2019. No sooner we were talking about the super dry March when April 1 gave us a reminder that wintry conditions are not altogether gone.

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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