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Finding Common Ground

P.A. organizations aim to find common ground at Diversity Night

Mar 21, 2019 | 9:01 AM

Prince Albert’s Common Ground project has partnered with the Prince Albert Multicultural Council to host the third Diversity Night, in hopes of having residents come together and find common ground.

The event takes place Thursday, in conjunction with the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and will take place at the Prince Albert Quality Hotel starting at 6 p.m.

Lemoya Lorensen, Common Ground Coordinator, told paNOW the event will be a celebratory cultural sharing experience, and a discussion of racism in a comfortable setting.

“There are a lot of reasons why events like this are important. People from different cultures don’t always interact with each other, and it gets people to step outside of their box and interact with people from different religions, different cultural backgrounds and different ethnicities,” Lorensen said.

“It also gives people a chance to recognize the common ground that we have, and the common ground that we stand on as people. It gives people the opportunity to speak, without any boundaries and in a safe place. This is really important in Prince Albert where we have people from such a huge mix of backgrounds.”

The free to attend event will feature speeches, presentations, music, jigging, and free food representing the Philippines, Indigenous and Métis Canada, Korea, and japan. Free salsa dance lessons will also be included in the event.

Lorensen also noted the importance of hosting a multicultural inspired event, in conjunction with the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

“It’s our hope that it can become a day that we recognize throughout the city, so that people can understand and relate to each other, and just by understanding and relating hopefully that can decrease racism,” Lorensen said. “We hope to bring a better understanding to people of all backgrounds.”

On twitter: @TheDigitalBirdy

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