Sask. child’s advocate reports on two-year-old boy’s death
The Saskatchewan Child and Youth Advocate released a detailed report Tuesday on the death of a two-year-old boy in foster care more than four years ago.
“Jake” (as he is referred to in the report) was found dead in his playpen on a December morning in 2009.
“Jake himself did not have a voice, as he had not yet learned to talk when he passed away four days before his second birthday,” states the report titled “Lost in the System” submitted by advocate Bob Pringle. The toddler had been shuffled between 11 different placements in the 19 months he was in care. The coroner did not conclude how or why he died, which is “rare” according to Pringle. A police investigation ruled there was no foul play.
The boy was born on Dec. 14, 2007 and was taken into foster care five months later. The report states that Jake’s mother had issues with alcohol and drugs and that she was a victim of domestic violence from Jake’s father.