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Rink Farm Project to Raise Money for Birch Hills Rink

Nov 2, 2014 | 11:47 AM

This is the 5th year that local producers and companies have banned together as a group to raise funds for the Birch Hills Skating Arena.

Rinks on average are not particularily profitable, however the extension of local revenue generated at our restaurants, gas stations, grocery &
convenience stores, at our pharmacy, banks, etc allow a town as a whole opportunity for economic growth.

There is great physical and mental development that comes from our town having skating clubs, minor hockey, rec hockey and Sr Hockey right here, at our back door.

The sense of community grows each time people come together to watch and cheer for our teams.

Expenses at a rink are extremely costly…ie: this year one of our compressors needed to be replaced at a cost of $17,000+. Our Sask
Power budget is set for $25,000/year!!!… There are many projects that the rink volunteers have completed these past few years (new furnaces
& water heaters, new toilets/sinks, & other general cosmetic upgrades) There are more projects that we are researching to do (ie: Fixing south
east corner, insulating under pipes, replacing benches, exterior cosmetic improvements, zamboni upgrades) All of these projects cost tens of
thousands of dollars, time and many volunteers.

This project has brought in $6-20,000/year. That is a tremendous break for our rink!!

A great big thank you to the following who have helped with the farm project this year: Kelly Njaa & Stewart Adams (organizing this project & combining), The Town of Birch Hills (offering this land to be farmed), Kelly Braaten (Preburn spraying), Philip Mansiere at Pioneer Seed (donation of seed), Kevin & Wayne Evans (tractor & cart use), Bruce Tilford (Harrowing & combining), Murray Swenson (combining), Brad Mitchell (trucking & combining), Brent Adams (spraying & combining), Dow Agro Sciences (donation of herbicide), FCC (donating lunch on harvest day), Trevor & Leyton Elsaesser.