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Shellbrook mayor looks back at 2014

Dec 30, 2014 | 6:02 AM

According to the mayor of Shellbrook, the community had a really busy year, and a trying year at times for some of the town’s residents.

George Tomporowski said the town had to deal with some infrastructure issues.

“We had some scheduled stuff and some updates. Stuff gets old and it needs to be repaired, but we also had some failures you’re sort of not expecting, but our folks were able to deal with that.”

He said they did a water valve replacement on main streets, upgrades at the water treatment plant and some waste waterline relining.

“Overall we were happy with that,” Tomporowski said.

The town also found itself with a full slate of doctors this year.

“Our doctor recruitment folks have worked really hard and according to our health region we should have six and we now have six physicians operating in our community. So we’re really pleased about that.”

He said having the new hospital facility in the community has been great and that it’s been a really busy place.

The sewer and water upgrades and repairs were a big thing for the town.

Tomporowski said those upgrades and repairs were always major issues and major expenses for the town, but town council believes they need to start doing the repairs.

“Some of that system is 60 and 70 years old and it just needs updating,” he said.

This fall Shellbrook also saw the opening of a new daycare center, Happy Hearts Daycare.

“That’s a great sign to have that service within our community. I think there are 30 odd spots for anywhere from infant to school aged children. It’s a great addition to the community and it’s great to see it functioning,” he said.

The community also lost Dee Gee’s Confectionary to a fire in December and it’s not known at this time if the owners will rebuild.

Dee Gee’s had been in the community for 25 years.

In closing, Tomporowski wishes everyone a happy and prosperous 2015.

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