Day 1 blooper: Ontario Cannabis Store mislabels genital spray as oral product
TORONTO — A perusal of the Ontario Cannabis Store’s online portal on the first day of legalization turned up an array of expected products — various strains of dried weed, oils and tinctures, and accessories needed to use them.
But also on offer is a cannabis-infused “intimate” spray, marketed under the enticingly named Fleur de Lune, which contains eight milligrams of the psychoactive ingredient THC, as well as the cannabinoid CBD.
The only problem is that the Ontario Cannabis Store had initially mislabelled how to apply the product, saying it was for “sublingual” use, which means under the tongue — in other words, orally.
In fact, the spray made by Hexo Corp. is meant to be applied on the genitals, “particularly for women,” to reduce such symptoms as inflammation and pain, said Terry Lake, the Quebec-based company’s vice-president of corporate social responsibility.