To make healthy changes, change your thinking
In 2009, two British moms lifted a 1.1-ton truck off a boy who was run over in the street; he survived. In 2012, a 22-year old woman lifted a car off her father after it fell off a jack while he was underneath, rendering him unconscious; she saved his life.
In 2016, a 19-year-old girl lifted a burning truck off her dad, freeing him, before jumping in the blazing vehicle and driving it out of the garage to save their house too.
Clearly, when you’re doing something for someone else, you can find unknown powers to change the future, for them.
That fact intrigued researchers at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication. They were trying to figure out how altering the way health messages are delivered might help people adopt healthy habits, and change their own future.