Women in Canadian politics look ahead to possible female U.S. president
OTTAWA — Kim Campbell has made no secret about who she would prefer to see win the U.S. presidential election.
The former Progressive Conservative prime minister has been vocal in her distaste for Republican candidate Donald Trump, who she views as unqualified, untruthful and undermining democratic institutions in a world where many countries still strive for peace and security.
Campbell would welcome a victory by Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. And she thinks Americans electing the first woman U.S. president would send a remarkable signal around the globe that yes, women really are up for the job.
“The landscape from which people get their sense of how the world works is a very powerful influence in terms of the subliminal attitudes people have about who gets to do a job,” Campbell said in a recent telephone interview from her home in Edmonton, where she is founding principal of the Peter Lougheed Leadership College at the University of Alberta.