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Many bylaw categories saw a large decrease in the number of complaints in 2018 compared to 2017.(File Photo/ paNOW Staff)

Overall bylaw violations see decrease in 2018

Mar 13, 2019 | 2:01 PM

The City of Prince Albert saw a drop in the number of violations, complaints and tickets in their bylaw department last year.

In 2018, there were 511 fewer animal files, a drop of 29.25 per cent. Parking complaints and vehicle seizures dropped by around 21 per cent and there were 450 less parking tickets handed out.

Before Prince Albert residents start patting themselves on the back, Bylaw Manager, Suzanne Stubbs said the decrease is mostly due to changes in bylaw focus.

“In 2018 we actually had some staffing changes and organizational direction, that’s why you see those numbers lower there,” Stubbs said.

Stubbs said the decrease in animal files is due to SPCA special constables overseeing cats and dogs at-large files.

Property-related violations saw a 10.73 per cent bump. In 2018 there were 93 more complaints than the previous year.

“It can range from neighbour’s yards, and what they look like,” Stubbs told paNOW. “It also includes garbage complaints, for example, back alleys. People will put out their bins and if they fail to pull them back. That’s become quite popular with people contacting us.”

Despite the decreases and change of responsibility, animal files toppped the list for the most complaints in 2018 with 1,236, followed by property at 960 and parking complaints with 693.

There were 946 parking tickets handed out in the city last year.

A number of bylaw categories saw a decrease in 2018. (submitted photo/Prince Albert Board of Police Commissioners Monthly Report)

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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