Council to start budget deliberations with a draft $8 million increase in spending
The draft budget that will be presented to Prince Albert’s city council starting on Wednesday includes a spending increase of $8 million more than last year.
That would put the total city revenue from property taxes at just shy of $57 million. Combined with $14.5 million in grants and donations, $10.5 million in user charges and fees and almost $8 million from grants in lieu and the city would have $90 million in spending, an increase of $10 million from last year.
Council goes over the budget with a fine-tooth comb every year however, and will almost certainly make some changes to the draft put in front of them.
Significant increases are being asked for in specific parts of the general fund, with just under $2 million in extra spending required for staff (excluding police and the new Lake Country Leisure Centre) following salary increases.