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Election season

The race is on; candidates named in north central municipalities

Oct 11, 2024 | 4:43 PM

While the odd seat has been acclaimed, many municipalities are seeing a few names submitted for this fall’s general municipal elections. Note: not every municipality could share their list before publication. The article will be updated as they become available.

In the towns and villages.

St. Brieux – no election as mayor and council were acclaimed.

Tammy Leray is mayor and Justin Assie, Dan Clifford, Gerry Miller and Max Meuller are on council.

St. Louis


Marc Caron

Curt Regnier

Council (four seats)

Tristen Boettcher

Edward Lussier

Pauline Lussier

Joanne Moisan

Bentley Richard

Loretta Vandale


Mayor – Dennis Helmuth acclaimed

Council (six seats)

Blaine Krentz

Audrey Watson

Lucius Martens

Kate Kading

Cameron Brown

Jason Peters

Colin Aebig

Emily Hand

Kevin Graham

Loyal Block

Brett Knoll

RM of Buckland


Don Fyrk

Larry Eros.

Division 1:

Arthur Brandolino

Daryl Cartier

Division 3:

Orest Romanchuk

Brent Wilson

Division 5:

Keagan Bazylinski

Roger Boucher

Bob From

Brett Hauser

Justin Scott

Mark Zentner

RM of Prince Albert


Eugene Matwishyn

Allan Sabuda

Tyrel Tait

Shane Wilkonson

No election declared for council

RM of Paddockwood

Of the positions up for election, three were acclaimed.

Reeve is Lance Fehr, Division 1 councillor is Garry Sumlic, Division 5 Joe Clavelle.

Division 3 election:

Lionel Lavoie

Lana Musey

RM of Garden River


Edward Grund

Ryan Scragg

Brian Snell

Division 1:

Bryan Assman

Marika English

Travel Podbielski

Division 3

Austin Adamko

Bruce Leitch

Division 5:

Greg Harris

Jason Kosowan

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