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A picture taken of the Flanagan Fire. (Facebook)
Home sweet home

Evacuation order lifted, Sandy Bay residents returning home

Sep 10, 2024 | 1:00 AM

Almost a month after being told to grab their belongings and leave their community, residents of Sandy Bay will soon be returning home.

At 8a.m. this morning, the evacuation order that was issued on Aug. 13, will be lifted.

According to a statement Monday from the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Emergency Operations Centre, the Flanagan fire has been contained with no growth in over 72 hours.

“Ongoing efforts to address minor hotspots ensure that the fire risk to Sandy Bay remains low,” they said.

With respect to infrastructure, power, potable water, and sewer systems are fully functional; and services such as grocery stores, gas stations and health are operational.

Buses will begin bringing home evacuees at 9a.m. Evacuees who choose to take private vehicles can gas up at the Petrocan on second Ave. W. in Prince Albert.Their names should be on a list of authorized individuals.

Care packages and essential supplies will be distributed upon return.

“Our leadership team is fully prepared to ensure your homecoming is safe and smooth.”

The cause of the Flanagan fire was a lightning strike, and 1,400 evacuees fled to Saskatoon and Prince Albert.

On X: @nigelmaxwell

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