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March – Canadian Royal Purple National BrainLove© Month – Brain Injury Awareness and Prevention

Mar 1, 2024 | 10:24 AM

“Thousands of volunteers and communities will pause in March and spend a few minutes thinking about the consequences of brain injuries in Canada” says Sandi Lougheed, Chair of the Canadian Royal Purple’s National BrainLove Committee. “We know that every 3.5 minutes a brain injury occurs in Canada and most of these are preventable.”

In 2023, the Canadian Royal Purple adopted Brain Injury Awareness and Prevention as its National cause and has partnered with brain injury associations across Canada to guarantee an increased awareness and advocacy. Special posters, placemats, helmet raffles, information campaigns and fund-raising events highlight the nation-wide events.

“For the past eight years, Canada’s Bootlegger stores have led the fund-raising campaign, going national in 2023,” says Lougheed. “Any member of the public can make donations in their local store. All donations will go to the brain injury associations in their own province.”

“In addition, the Canadian Royal Purple will be sponsoring a nation-wide on-line auction featuring items from across our country to be auctioned to anyone who wishes to support our Purple Thursday projects,” says Lougheed.

In 2023 almost 3000 Purple Care bags were delivered to Canadian shelters on Purple Thursday – the third Thursday in October. One in eight women in Canada have suffered brain injury due to interpersonal violence and many of them and their children seek refuge in the shelters.

“Our aim is to ensure care bags are delivered to every shelter, which would require 30,000 bags filled with personal items,” says Lougheed.

Also new this year, will be placemats featuring the national student winners of the annual Poster contest. These, and brain injury awareness posters, are being distributed as part of the awareness campaign.

“Our BrainLove campaign will kick off March 1st live on Facebook and will continue throughout March. Watch for information or an event near you,” concludes Lougheed. “Be aware and become part of preventing brain injuries in your community.”

Sandi Lougheed, National CRPS Chairperson Beechy, SK, 306-859-7563

Fran Bayliss, Co-Chairperson, Virden, MB,, 204-748-2001.

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