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Vince Parker (PA Optimists), Ron Sterling (Shriners), Randy Braaten (Lions) and Glen Sherwin Shriners). (Submitted photo/ Randy Braaten)
Safe ride home

Operation Red Nose reports 30 per cent jump in numbers for Prince Albert

Jan 3, 2024 | 1:00 PM

Another year of Operation Red Nose has come to an end, and a member of the Prince Albert Lions Club is reporting some glowing results.

Throughout 11 nights, the safe ride service provided 170 rides in the city, averaging 10 to 11 per night. Randy Braaten told paNOW they received lots of positive feedback.

“Most of the people said we are absolutely amazing and most people keep saying why don’t you do this all year and I said fine, are you gonna come out and volunteer and help us,” he said.

A service such as this would not be possible without its volunteers, and the 26 people who helping out, logged over 850 hours. They drove 377 people home and covered 2,550 km.

“You know we’d like to see more [volunteers] out there, especially if our calls are going up, we are gonna need more volunteers,” Braaten said, noting New Year’s Eve was particularly busy with 36 rides.

In addition to the volunteer support from members of the Prince Albert Optimists, Shriners and Lions, there was also the support from businesses and sponsors.

“The pizza was great, the coffee was strong enough to keep our eyes open, and the support from the businesses that provided us with cash donations helped us have a successful year,” Braaten added.

In total, over $5,260 was raised this year through donations, which will be dispersed to local elementary schools to assist with youth programming.

Across Saskatchewan, there were 347 volunteers, providing 384 safe rides. Nationally, there were 27,920 dedicated volunteers, providing a total of 30,761 rides across the country.

The success of the 40th annual campaign is the fruit of commitment and generosity from thousands of volunteers and partners who are dedicated to our mission. Together, we have once again succeeded in making roads safer for the holiday season, and I feel pride and immense gratitude for all who have contributed to this adventure!” said Jean-Marie De Koninck, President and Founder of Operation Red Nose.

SGI is also a proud supporter of Operation Red Nose and also contributed to the success of the annual campaign.

“I want to thank everyone in Saskatchewan who chose Operation Red Nose as their safe ride home this holiday season,” said Minister Responsible for SGI Dustin Duncan. “I also want to thank the Operation Red Nose organizers and volunteers who generously donated their time to protect the safety of Saskatchewan roads.”

On X: @nigelmaxwell

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