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Secure Firearms, Safer Communities – Safety Campaign Encourages Firearms Safety in Saskatchewan

Nov 28, 2023 | 9:49 AM

The Government of Saskatchewan is promoting the importance of firearms safety and licensing through a new safety campaign that will be broadcast on radio, billboards and social media throughout the winter months.

This year’s campaign tagline is “Secure Firearms. Safe Communities.”

“This firearms safety campaign is an important step in educating Saskatchewan firearms owners on the importance of licensing, handling and storing firearms and ammunition properly,” Corrections, Policing and Public Safety Minister Paul Merriman said. “By educating the public, we can help reduce accidents, mitigate thefts, and build on Saskatchewan’s strong tradition of responsible firearms ownership.”

This year’s firearms safety campaign will feature several well-known Saskatchewan residents who are acting as spokespeople for the campaign including Team Canada target shooting athlete and coach, Sasha and Cameron Krakowka; Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation President, David Yorke; Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities President, Ray Orb; and Elder and former Senator with the Prince Albert Grand Council and Federation of Saskatchewan Indigenous Nations, Nolan Henderson.

“Firearms safety is everyone’s responsibility,” Chief Firearms Officer Robert Freberg said. “By ensuring firearms and ammunition are always properly stored and safety practices are followed, we can ensure the safety of firearms owners and users across the province. Thank you to all our outstanding spokespeople for helping to promote firearms safety in Saskatchewan.”

Firearms owners are encouraged to get and maintain their Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL/RPAL) and keep their loved ones and our communities safe by properly storing all firearms and ammunition.

Other important safety tips that should be followed include:

  • learning how to safely load, handle and store every firearm you use;
  • never pointing a firearm at anyone or anything you don’t want to shoot;
  • storing ammunition separately or locking it up;
  • using the correct ammunition for your firearm;
  • unloading all firearms before they are stored;
  • locking firearms in a cabinet or safe or attaching a secure locking device – such as a trigger or cable lock – to ensure the firearm cannot be fired;
  • ensuring unauthorized individuals do not have access to the keys or combination locks that are used to secure your firearm unless they are licensed and have your permission to use them; and
  • storing firearms safely when they are being transported.

This year’s firearms safety campaign messages will be featured on radio, billboards, print materials, and digital media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.

The campaign begins November 27, 2023, and ends mid-March 2024. The full-length video advertisements can also be viewed at

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