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Canada to deport Montreal man facing death sentence in Egypt

Oct 30, 2023 | 12:34 PM

OTTAWA — An Egyptian refugee claimant in Montreal says the Canadian government is deporting him to face a death sentence at the hands of the Egyptian legal system.

Ezzat Gouda has been ordered to return to Egypt by Nov. 1, despite claims that he will be persecuted and killed in Egypt because of his political affiliations in the aftermath of the Arab Spring revolution.

Gouda had already been arrested without charges several times by the time he helped establish the Freedom and Justice Party, which was affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood group and came to power following the country’s 2012 elections.

In 2013, Egypt’s army chief seized power in a military coup against the elected party’s government, and since then, Egyptian authorities have arrested thousands of the party’s members and Muslim Brotherhood supporters after labelling them as terrorists.