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The Won Ska Cultural School was renamed to the Victor Thunderchild Public High School during a special ceremony on Monday. (Logan Lehmann/paNOW Staff)
Thunderchild honoured

Won Ska Cultural Public School renamed to honour late educator Victor Thunderchild

Oct 2, 2023 | 4:16 PM

Won Ska Cultural Public School in Prince Albert was renamed on Monday morning to honour and continue the legacy of late local teacher and role model, Victor Thunderchild.

During a wet and rainy ceremony, the school was officially renamed to the Victor Thunderchild Public High School. His family and friends were in attendance along with members of the Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division (SRPSD) as well as teachers and students from the school.

Victor’s wife, Vi Thunderchild, said that the renaming of the school in his name is a huge honour to their family.

“It’s a really big deal for the family because of how hard it’s been for Indigenous people,” she said. “For Victor to get this acknowledgement for what he’s gone through, it’s a huge honour. It’s sad too because he’s not here, but he earned this.”

Victor Thunderchild’s wife, Vi, was gifted a blanket by some students at the school during the naming ceremony on Monday. (Logan Lehmann/paNOW Staff)

Discussion’s for the school’s renaming began back on April 28 with students, staff, elders, school division staff, the school board’s trustee, and community members taking part. There, they shared their vision for the future of the school as well as shared ideas for a new name.

A few weeks later on May 17, a seven-person committee gathered to discuss a new name and reached consensus of the top five choices. They then forwarded the five names onto Saskatchewan Rivers school board where the board made the final decision for the name. The new name is part of a revision for the school, prompted by recommendations by the SRPSD’s Elders Advisory Council.

The Prairie Thunder Drum Group plays the Treaty Six song a the ceremony. (Logan Lehmann/paNOW Staff)

Victor Thunderchild Public High School Principal Gina Sinoski explained why the name was chosen and how it fits into the re-visioning of the school.

“A school’s name connects to memory, honour, and legacy,” she said. “By re-visioning our school, we are taking the necessary action to create a first-choice high school grounded in Indigenous worldview. At our school, students will learn the truth about Indigenous history and towards reconciliation through cultural experiences, land-based learning and a course of study based on student needs, which will support them in finding their purpose as they journey to graduation.”

Victor Thunderchild Public High School Principal Gina Sinoski shows the audience a pin displaying the school’s logo. (Logan Lehmann/paNOW Staff)

SRPSD Trustee Darlene Rowden took to the podium and said that a lot of thought and time went into the planning, renaming, and re-visioning of the school.

“Renaming the school is a profound undertaking as it symbolizes our commitment to honour an individual who has left a lasting mark on our lives, our educational institutions, and our broader community,” she said. “By renaming this school the Victor Thunderchild School, we pay tribute to an individual who dedicated his life to building bridges of understanding, fostering a sense of unity, a creating opportunities for cultural education. Victor’s legacy guides us towards a future where cultural diversity is celebrated and where all students can thrive regardless of their backgrounds.”

The school will offer a full high school program for students in grades 10-12.

Thunderchild was a well-known and well-respected teacher at Carlton Comprehensive High School for nearly 30 years. In early April 2021, Victor was hospitalized with COVID-19 before succumbing to the virus two weeks later.

Two photos of Victor Thunderchild were displayed for the duration of the ceremony. (Logan Lehmann/paNOW Staff)

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